Proudly present,
my favorite brats!

Muhammad Afif, The master of disguise
4 years old.
One minute he can be Abg Mat from Geng Bas Sekolah and in a flash he would turn into Danny Phantom or any other characters
He talks ridiculously amazing things for his age.
Tagline - "Mcm nak terberak je", "Mcm badut" (with a specific and influential tones that make us all saying it too and look pretty stupid)

Siti Noraini Humaira, The otai kampung
2 years 9 months old
Don't fall for her cuteness, she could beat Afif without a fight.
With a husky voice she talks awfully a lot but you'll understand very little, but nice to listen though.

Siti Balqis Maisarah, The blur princess
1 year 9 months old
Yes, total blur-ness kalah syaza.
She would go to you saying or asking something and when you reply she would simply say "ah?" over and over, then you'll give up.

Muhammad Raziq Adha, The womanizer
11 months old
Youngest of all, so his brat-ness hasn't fully emerge
He smiles all the times and looks gorgeous even only with three teeth.
We have another one coming early next year. Really hope it's a boy. Can't wait.
Hmmm. I just received a devastating news and I feel so stupid and ashamed right now that I want to kill myself.
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