Today I'm in the mood to tell the world about my weekend. I might go rojak ayam all the way and mind you it might get a little personal. Haha. No way.
Kisah bermule, Khamis 23rd October. Hm. The bus was at 8. Ari isnin lagi dah btau zub2 nak mintak tolong anta gi terminal. At 7.30 tunggu2 xdtg pn zub2 nih. Teha made the decision to call him and yes he forgot and he was at the megamall. We freaked out. Kami pn decide utk cari org len utk anta. Nasib ade Jibah tapi time tu hujan sgt lebat so die xle drive. Hmm. Mintak Fafafia bwk kan kete n die lum solat lak. Aish. 7.40pm. Nak wat cane suh je lah die solat dulu and die anta ktorng. Fafa bwk sgt laju n sempat~ 7.58pm kot sampai. Tapi bas gerak lambat gak.

Huu. The whole class was shocked with Ipin's announcement to get married this December. The whole class cheered. He was the first, it was like a splat in the face. We are adult. Haha. Oh, I told my mum about it. She was shocked too. Talking by experience she's always against early marriage and especially when the girl is older. Tapi setiap kali pn she would ends up saying "ala, tapi ramai je yg kekal kan" I thought that was it. Suddenly she hit me with a question. "Kalau tetibe ade org ajak ira kawin, ira nak x?" I was like whatthefish? but all I can do was chuckled n sengih mcm kerang busuk. Never really thought about it. Yeke?
Friday, 24th October.The day start a little late. Ye lah tunggu the stupid Toshiba guy to repair our stupid new fridge. Kate kul 2, kul 4 baru sampai. My brother and I were planning to go out that day. Jadi sgt lambat la kua ny. Tapi xkire nak kua gak. Tapi bile kua with my brother kene lah wat the usual routine KLCC-Pavilion-BB/Sg.Wang. Jalan kaki macam ape. "Kakak, oki nak cari topi lah kat pavilion, pastu nak cari kemeja lah kat BB." Songeh sgt banyak mamat tuh. Shops like a girl. Oh, he bought a cap and I bought a bag <3 at Pull and Bear.

Movie at 8pm. Eagle Eye. The story was a little slow at the beginning and has a lame intro. The usual crap Muslim as terrorist. But suddenly the pace changed - warp speed. "Jerry Shaw, you're activated" said the voice over the phone. It's about a guy and a lady who were forced to do things and they received orders mostly from phone calls made by 'someone' who can see them every where they go. But I think most of it are kinda cliche, sappy ending but worth watching. Oh, before the movie. Hampir ketemu tapi tak kesampaian. Haha. Got home around 11pm. Ibu pun dah tdo nasib xkene marah
Saturday, 25th October.It's a one heck of a historical day. It was the day I cooked my first dish. Haha. My mum wasn't around dan ade perut yg perlu di isi jadi ibu pn suruh masak lah. Hmm. Baiklah. So, with the music on, tears running down (damn onions!) and a lot of faith. I cooked. Huu. My sister kate sedap. Haha. Oh, but one thing I learned jgn msg2 time masak. Nanti terhangus. Ah. Sket je.

Kemudian baru kuar umah~ First stop, SKM's open house. Hah. Lambat. Sume kwn2 dah balik. Tapi nasib ade makan lagi. Huu. Nice host. Next, Alamanda. Hm. we were hoping for a live band tapi xde pon. So, jalan2 round the mall few laps. Then sume pn dah bising suh balik. Kne lah balik. Ingat terus balik. Tapi disuruh gi another open house but this one was totally different and a very embarrassing one indeed. Yeah. Sangat2. Friendly folks though we were sending a wrong message to the family. Then got home has to endure my mum's interrogation. But love the spontaneity of the day, funny.
Sunday, 26th October.Nothing really happen. Another open house. But I got my full dose of Yaya. Dapat cite2. Huu. Best.
Today, 27th October.Here am I writing this in the middle of the night. Nak balik dah~~ wah. xmo. Oyasumi~!
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Uh oh. Harap maaf~
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