Saturday, April 4, 2009

A year wiser~

Uhh. I'm twenty one already. So much to do. So much to accomplish. So much to rectify. I'm officially an adult. yeah. really. Like there's much difference. Just little more wrinkles and little less oocytes.

Oh. Thanks everyone. I love you all so much~! :D


org muda said...

selamat ari tua...=)

Dreamy Damsel said...

aih. terima kasih, org muda~!

nik mohd adam (ex class rep) said...

less oocytes...better kawin utk mengelakkan pembaziran oocytes..haha..hepi besday...

Dreamy Damsel said...

uhhh. kawen? hmm. idea yg baik. hu. thx clss rep~

[xero] said...

haha you just turn 21..
not old enough compare to your other least you should be happy bout that..
haha =p

Dreamy Damsel said...

haha. put it that way maybe i should.